Lost All Trust

As a parent you want to do your very best for your children. You want to give your very best, to your children. For me, my children are my world, they are my shinning light to the darkness that surrounds me from this devastating world. They are my rainbow after the storm. Cheese– I know!

So… you ask, where am I going with this…? A few years ago a load of information came by me, information about our health care system. Information that I’m sure you already know about. Did you know that the pharmaceutical industry is not in business to help us or heal us! NOPE!!!

They are in business like anyone else who is out to make money. That is all they are interested in. “The root of all evil is money.” You think they are here to help our children get better when they are sick. I disagree… So after learning a bunch about this truth, I changed to alternative methods. Mostly using things like essential oil blends, (AROMUNE) green superfood, olive leaf, raw garlic, raw unpasteurized honey, (make sure you are buying unpasteurized honey because if you get honey that has been cooked, then you’re buying honey that will cause it to putrefy in the stomach, this includes cooking or baking with honey. Make sure you are not cooking or baking with your honey) and we also drink Chaga tea. These are the items I have in my home at all time and most of them we take on a daily basis to keep our immune system up and thriving.


So, I want to share with you what I came upon not so long ago. I seen an article about the homeopathic teething pills that had been recalled due to the ingredient called “belladonna,” so naturally I looked more into this. It is no secret that this is a plant that is often called “deadly nightshade.” I wasn’t so bothered at first with this finding, but after examining other homeopathic medicine that I have used before on my children I was… upset!
YES… The same cough & cold medicines that I had once used for my own children had this “deadly nightshade” listed on the ingredient list as “belladonna 3CH.”

If you don’t know like I didn’t, belladonna means “beautiful lady,” in Italy it was used on woman to cause their pupils so open, for a more appealing and striking appearance. Not caring that this was not a wise idea since belladonna can be poisonous. In more modern-day, (today) belladonna is used for a variety of uses like being used as a sedative for many conditions, it is also used for Parkinson’s disease, colic, motion sickness and as a pain-killer. Even though this plant is regarded as UNSAFE, these companies are still finding ways to include it in common medicines and topical ointments. Here’s another use, it’s also used for treating psychiatric disorders.

This plant is also knows by other names like the “devil’s cherries,” and “devil’s herb.”

Upon reading more about belladonna it says the side effects can include, dry mouth, enlarged pupils, blurred vision, red dry skin, fever, fast heartbeat, inability to urinate or sweat, hallucinations, spasms, mental problems, convulsions, and coma.

HUMMMMM….. Does this sound safe to you?

Also, everywhere it is saying it is LIKELY UNSAFE if taken by mouth. Um HELLO??? IS anyone out there??? Are all the so-called caring medical lab techs or the homeopathic persons who make up these remedies asleep when they put these formulas together!!!

Some information I found on WebMD that states, it can also affect the brain and heart. It also says that there is not enough scientific research on the appropriate rages for dosage. AND, it’s also telling you to keep in mind that not all natural products are safe. CLEARLY!!!

(please keep in mind I am not in any way registered to give medical advice to anyone, and I am not telling you to take or not to take anything. I am just simply stating my opinion.)

However I do encourage you to do your own research about the heath care system and the ingredients, and maybe ask yourself if you would feel OK taking something that contained this deadly “nightshade” or “devil’s cherries…”

Thank you for reading my post today, I hope I was able to inspire you to keep– finding your hope. 🙂