Only One– Human Race!

I’m going to join the rest of the world and take you there…

“There,” being the race talk. I AM SO SICK OF HEARING ABOUT IT!

I am a white woman, and I can’t stand what I am seeing and hearing EVERYDAY. That black male was shot there, and this black male was killed here. Let’s not forget about this black woman who was beaten and believe it or not but I have read about an officer of the law that rapped a woman. REALLY!?!?!?!?!

OK! I am seeing now how much passion I have for this topic as I am writing. I just want to SCREAM!!!

So as I mentioned I am a white woman living in the same world as of all you. My mind can’t not wrap around how we can all live on this same planet and still think we are different. Can you please just take a moment to think about that…. WE ARE ALL ON THIS PLANET TOGETHER.

Are you white? black? brown? tan? or maybe are you green, purple or pink?

Do you believe in a higher power, the creator of this universe? Well I do! I strongly believe there is a higher power, and I seek my Fathers inspirations every moment of my day. And I know there is only ONE creator, ONE creator who created us all. Yes he created us all to have different color skin, but not to have us kill each other because of it. Either way, whether you do or don’t believe, we are on this earth together.

I also know this man– a black man, who grew up with hatred from the kids at school and dealt with persecution all his life and he still does now as a grown man. But I also know this man wakes up every morning to go to work for over 12-hours a day and he does this Monday to Friday. I also know this same man who has the biggest heart of anyone I have ever met. This same man is also very educated in EVERYTHING. Really, its incredible the conversations you can have with him. This same man, has a passion for music and when he sings, your heart just melts around his words and voice. I also know that this man cries inside. I have seen this black man cry…  This man is an amazing cook. I have heard this black man pray to our Father. This black man sits on the floor for hours with his son and build lego and sits with his daughter and plays the guitar and sings to her. This black man is the most respectful person I have ever met. He’s humble, patient, kind, caring and loving. What he is not; he is not prideful, or hateful. There is not one inch of hatred in this man.

Like I mentioned already I am a WHITE woman and the son I speak of is OUR son, the daughter I speak of is OUR daughter, and this BLACK man I speak of is MY husband. We are a family!

Here’s a million dollar question! How many different race do you think are in the world?
2? 4? 7?
If you guessed any one of those I am here to tell you that you are WRONG!!
There is only ONE race in this world, the human race. Y’all need to accept that. Once society can accept that we are all the same race and underneath our skin color we have the same insides, we all have a heart, bladder, lungs, ribs, etc… the only thing that makes us different from one another is whether we are man or woman and our cultural differences… Acceptance is a hard character to develop, but it can be achieved. We do not need to walk around scared for our own lives or have hatred in our heart’s. But who am I to preach about this, I am only one person, a white woman in fact who is married to a black man!

Turn your hearts and minds away from the hatred for one another and look at each other for the unique qualities we all have. And keep holding on, don’t give up on finding your hope!